Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving Week 2015

Hello, Friends! Colt and I were blessed to have 9 days off from work, school, studying and alarm clocks! At the beginning of our Thanksgiving Week, I thought 9 days seemed long... now at 10PM on Sunday night, 9 days seemed too short! Seriously! Where did the week go? Here's what we've been up to this past week: 

  • This week has been dreary, cold and rainy, but we tried our best to be productive! We started the break off with grocery shopping for a turkey since we were hosting my family and a friend at our house this week on Thanksgiving Day. Then ended the night with our first red cups of the season! 

Starbucks and Tom Turkey in tow!

Tom Turkey in defrost in our fridge.
  • We hosted a dinner party for a couple of our friends, Arturo and Jose, who also happen to be brothers. We all met back in high school. They are the kind of friends who have been around so long, that we consider them family. They have been there for us during our difficult times of loss and sadness, as well as, our joyous and celebration times like our wedding! We cherish these guys so much and the friendship we share. Arturo, or Art, as I call him, is the friend of mine who built and customized our kitchen farmhouse table. If you are ever looking for someone to do wood work or iron work or anything like that, please let me know! Art is crazy talented and he will customize and meet go above & beyond your expectations! You can check out his work on Instagram @ArteRealStudio or on Facebook (This is not a paid advertisement. The thoughts and opinions about Art's work are completely my own.)

Getting our table ready for dinner! 

  • This week, Colt and I had a lunch date at our favorite Mexican Restaurant called, Los Molcajetes or "Los Molc" as we call it. I was so grateful for not only getting a week day lunch date, but, for having a leisurely one! If you are a teacher or know a teacher, then you know we don't get a very long lunch break! It was nice to be able to sit down and have a meaningful conversation with my favorite guy and not be in a hurry to scarf down my food! 

  • The day before Thanksgiving, my mom and I went out to do a little Christmas shopping and food shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. It was a very pleasant day out spending time talking, laughing and shopping together. We went back to my house where my sisters, Angel and Alexa, met us to help with prepping the turkey and doing some baking of Thanksgiving treats! My great aunt also came by the house to drop off a set of turkey salt and pepper shakers she bought for me to match the Turkey platter she passed down to me a few months ago. 

My sister Al and Tom Turkey

 Baking homemade pies and cookies!

Salt and Pepper shakers gifted to me by my great aunt. I will cherish and keep these forever. Love.

Table ready for our thanksgiving dinner.

  • Thanksgiving Day we kept it low key. We dressed in comfy clothes and ate dinner at my house. We had our signature mimosas, tons of appetizers and hors d'oeuvres, delicious homemade food as well as an array of homemade pies, cookies, bundt cakes, and baklava! Despite the cold and pouring rain, we kept our Black Friday shopping tradition alive and went out. Umbrella and rain boots were a necessity!


  • Friday we spent the day cuddled up and enjoyed a relaxing and quiet day at our house. We caught up on our DVR and Netflix. It poured all day and there was no way I was going out in the cold and rain again. Colt went out to watch the TCU vs.Baylor game at the Petroleum Club in Fort Worth. It sounded like a fun and lovely time but nothing was going to get me out of my pjs! There was quite a bit of flooding in our area and I was so relieved when he was home safe and sound. Colt returned home a little while later and we had a wine and cheese night together and watched TCU lead our team to victory! 
  • Saturday Colt and I were up early cooking and baking and getting ready to meet up with his side of the family for Thanksgiving #2! It was nice to have everyone together at his grandparents house since we all live spread apart and don't get the chance to see each other as often. We enjoyed catching up, laughing and chatting. We can't wait to see everyone again in a few weeks for Christmas celebrations! 

 Baked some homemade mini cherry pies

Fresh green bean casserole topped with bread crumbs and almonds. Pinterest for the win. 

Colt and his grandmother, Lola
  • Our last day of Thanksgiving Break was spent going to church, Colt went up to TCU to study for a few hours, napping, eating turkey day leftovers, cleaning up the house and taking down all the Thanksgiving decorations. Colt surprised me and cleaned out our entire garage earlier this week and this evening he went to Home Depot to pick up wood to build shelves for our garage. The garage has needed to be cleaned out and organized for quite awhile and I have had it on to do list for months, but just haven't had the chance to do it. I don't know what I did to deserve this wonderful husband of mine but I count my blessings twice when I thank God for him! 

Colt's selfie on his way home from HD
  • PSA: Attention!  Plate chargers, are not microwaveable. Most of you probably already know this but I thought I could do it anyway. I noticed one of our chargers had dried candle wax on it and I was having trouble scraping it off. So a light bulb came on and I knew I needed to heat the wax to make it easier to remove. Oh here's a great idea, put it in the microwave! So I did. Immediately it began to spark and make cracking and popping noises. I was lucky our microwave  house didn't explode! Whew! 

These past 9 days have been glorious. Colt said it best when he told me that even though the weather has been cold, dreary, rainy and wet, and we have felt so lazy... this has truly been the perfect time to reconnect and spend quality time together. 

9 days seemed to zoom by, and I don't look forward to setting early alarm clocks, however, I am ready to get back to work and see my 22 babies! I've missed them so! 

These next 3 weeks before Christmas break are about to be fast and furious with hectic schedules for both me and Colt. Advent is one of my favorite times of year, as we prepare for the birth and arrival of Christ. During these next few weeks, with all the hustle and bustle, Colt and I do our best to keep the true meaning of the season and direct our hearts and minds as we anticipate Christ's second coming at the end of time. Jesus is the reason for the season! 

Love you all! 

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