Monday, November 9, 2015

Just another manic Monday

It was so nice this morning to be able to sleep in an extra hour. I didn't have to be at our Professional Development training until 8:30 so I was able to wake up, make our bed, and leisurely get dressed for the day. I even had time this morning to pack some healthy snacks to munch on mid morning! Monday was off to a great start! 

Instead of the usual 30 minute teacher lunch we usually get during the weekday, we got an hour to go to lunch! So many things that can be done in a hour! Teachers are great at working quickly and efficiently to make the most of our time! :) I debated on going out to lunch or getting a manicure. I was in desperate need of a polish change. 

Look how horrid these nails are. I can't believe I went so long like this. Ugh.

I quickly googled "nail salons near me" and found one less than 5 minutes away! I bolted out the doors of the school and ran to my car as quickly as I could. Priorities, you know! 

So much better! 

Why is it that any time I get my nails done, I feel like my life is complete and I can conquer the world? I felt 1000x better! After the nail salon, I had about 10 minutes left to grab lunch and get back to the school for more professional development. The afternoon training seemed to drag on a little more than the morning part. I was able to make a to-do list and grocery list though so that was great. 

Our training let out at 3:20 which meant that I was going to arrive home by 4PM!! That never happens! It was cloudy and chilly when I left the school and I was battling in my head whether I wanted to work out today or go take a nap instead. I realllyyyyy wanted the nap. I pushed on through though. I got home, quickly changed and headed back out to my 4:30 workout. 100 squats and 100 toe touches plus running up and down the bleachers... not my idea of a perfect Monday. 

Mondays are for muscles and manicures. 

After workout, I had to drive in the 5:30 traffic. Everyone's getting out of work at this time and all I needed to do was get to the grocery store!!!  I only had to grab a few items, but ended up coming out with more than I needed...

Shhh.. You don't see those Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes! ;) 

After a hectic day, I finally made it home for good! I cooked dinner and we were eating by 7pm! I was so proud! Nothing was stopping me today!

Turkey chili coming right up! 

After dinner, I cleaned up the kitchen while Colt got started on homework. I packed my lunch for tomorrow and headed upstairs to shower. That's when I ran into this madness. Please don't judge me for what you're about to see...

This is so depressing and embarrassing but it's real life.

I actually don't mind doing laundry... it's the putting away of clothes afterwards that I can't stand!!! Since I was sick all last week, I would run a load of laundry then throw it on the bed once I grabbed it out of the dryer. Only problem was, instead of putting it away, I would throw it off my bed and then go to sleep. (Please tell me this happens to everyone now & then!) This went on for days. Such a vicious cycle. BTW my clean clothes are not thrown on the floor. There is actually a suitcase under there that I've been meaning to put away...

If you're looking at this picture, you're not're supposed to be thinking, "It's okay, Liz. These things happen to everyone! Life happens. Don't fret! You're still awesome!" I don't do well with clutter, mess or disorganization so this has really been bothering me. I prefer things tidy, clean and in their place. I finally felt well enough tonight to put ALL of this mess away. Whew! It was quite a chore but it's done and I feel so accomplished! I can finally breathe.

I must say today was super productive. If today was this awesome and it's only Monday, bring on the rest of the week! 

Happy Monday, folks! 

Love you all! 

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