One of our recent adventures took us out to a little place in Keller called "Homestead Farms". We heard about this place many months ago and we haven't found a chance to stop in until now. How cute and quaint is this little store?
This little place is known for growing and selling goat's milk, local, fresh, produce, eggs, and hormone, antibiotic, and GMO free meats. They sell grass fed beef, pasture raised pork and poultry and seasonal produce. While reading about their history, I learned that their farm is over 125 years old.
The first thing you see when you step in to this little store are these feed buckets for the pigs, goats, sheep, horses, and chickens that roam the farm.
I thought these treat feed buckets were so cool for small kids and even adults! I wanted to feed the animals, unfortunately, we arrived minutes before it started raining. By the time we left the store, all the animals had moved towards shelter and were no longer outside.
To one side of the store was the fresh produce and in the middle was different types of peanut butter, honey, breads, etc.
Here you can see cheese, butter and eggs. To the other side of this sliding door were all the meats. We did buy some meat for our roast we were going to make in the slow cooker!
The grounds of the farm were so beautiful. I was able to take a few pictures in between all the rainfall.
If you look closely, you can see a few of the chickens inside! |
When we first drove up, before the rain started falling, the goats, sheep and pigs were in this pen. |
We left the store with roast, a veggies for our slow cooker, jalapeno cheese, butter that I've been wanting to try and a few beef jerkey sticks. The jerkey were delicious! What's better is that these little sticks are all natural with no sugar and no MSG. And it's made right here in Weatherford, Texas!
We thoroughly enjoyed our time at Homestead Farms and plan on returning in the future. We made our roast and veggies in the slow cooker and the taste of the red potatoes and the carrots were fresh and tasty!
Not too long after arriving home from Homestead, I took a picture of our Homestead haul and began putting the food away and prepping food for our slow cooker for the next day. I didn't realize I had left the roast out wrapped in a bag sitting on the table. We went out that evening and came home late that night. It wasn't until the next morning when Colt discovered the roast still sitting on the table almost 18 hours later...
Yup. Our roast was ruined. My husband was quite displeased to say the least. Wife of the year right here, guys.
We did manage to make a roast. One we bought from Albertsons. Kind of defeats the purpose of our Homestead trip. Perhaps we will have better luck next time and my husband can find it in his heart to forgive me! Just kidding, Colt was very sweet and understanding about the whole situation. He was much more understanding than I would've been! Love this sweet guy of mine!
I still feel terrible about it.
Our Albertsons roast and our homestead vegetables were delicious... in fact, we plan on having some of the leftovers tonight!
Hoping everyone is having a great week and staying cool in this heat!
We love you all!